Thursday, May 6, 2010

Women entrepreneurs: Find your story

Earlier this week, I participated in a free teleseminar delivered by Lisa Bloom, a storyteller and professional certified coach. Lisa works with women entrepreneurs who are dealing with the stress of balancing the demands of their personal lives while building their business; women who are looking to be excited and fulfilled by their lives instead of feeling worn out.

Lisa was promoting her new teleseminar: Success Story Secrets. Although I haven't bought into the seminar, I was impressed by the points she raised.

She encouraged listeners to find their own stories - to do a little sole searching and to have the confidence to tell their own story to others. This style certainly fits many people, including me. Personally, I'm a lot more comfortable telling my story to potential clients, rather than trying the hard-sell approach of pushing services on clients.

To help develop your story, Lisa suggests answering the following questions:
1. What activities would you be involved in if you didn't have to worry about money?
2. What was your passion when you were a child or a teenager?
3. When have you felt really good about about a job or a hobby? When did you think, I'm good at this, and it matters to me?
4. What makes you laugh?
5. Ten years from now, what do you want to remember about this time in your life?

Lisa also talked about the types of stories you can tell:
1. Personal story
2. Branding story (the product or service that tells the best story gets bought)
3. Business story (stories to share with the team you work with)
4. Coaching story (how do you define your life? Coming up with this story helps spread positivity throughout all aspects of your life).

If you are interested in this approach, visit Lisa's web site.

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